Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm coping here people......

JUST KIDDING!!!!! Well, I was coping last weekend with the whole "not getting into nursing school thing" but I'm passed that now, I feel better. And what better way to cope with disappointment and feel better ready for this?

Apple Crisp


And Fried Chicken!!!!
Oh yeah, nothing is better for drowning sorrows than clogging a few arteries right? Okay, you're right, running would do the trick too but I'm not really in the mood for all that!

Yeah I know none of this is good for my diet but the cooking and baking helped me more than anything. I didn't get to eat much of it anyway. Kojak has a tendency to polish food off pretty quickly.
The cheesecake wasn't that great anyway......I'm still searching for the perfect cheesecake recipe.
So, any well loved cheesecake recipes from anyone would be greatly appreciated. *Hint-Hint*
Well, that's all for now.....gotta go study for a chemistry quiz.