Monday, October 27, 2008

Explanation please.........

I LOVE ROSES! And I have been watching my roses closely this year, they have been abnormally large and especially beautiful.

See, this one is just getting started. Man, that pink is awesome!

Wow! I took the above pics today!

This one and the two below I took last weekend! They're kinda blurry because I didn't realize my lens was dirty......Bad Lens! Anyway, I thought they looked kind of surreal so I kept them.

Note: the dew drops just kill me.....leaves me standing there in my bedroom slippers and pajamas thinking how beautiful nature is! *Sigh*
Then a spider tries to crawl across my shoe and I jump 10 feet in the air! Seriously!

Back to the you can see the roses are all pink, light pink to brilliant pink.....but ALL pink!

So, can anyone explain to me how this very small, very WHITE rose popped up on my
PINK rose bush?
Sorry, just thought it was odd!


TMc1951 said...

An albino flower? There's a future science project for you!