Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My baby boys......

Seems like only yesterday I could wrap James and Cameron in the same receiving blanket and they still had wiggle room! So tiny!

Well, they've grown a little since then! They have been sleeping in the crib together for a long time and I'm coming to grips with the fact that they probably won't sleep seperately for a long time! They tend to sleep much better when they are near to each other (must be a twin thing) yet they still have their differences. James sleeps next to the wall and Cameron on the outside...they won't have it any other way! Weird!

But I knew the day was coming when we would have to get rid of the crib and honestly it's been that day for at least 6 months, probably more. They are quicker getting out of that crib than I am getting out of bed!

So, today was the day! We switched out the crib for an Elmo toddler bed! And the boys are so happy! They went straight to bed tonight, no problems! Well, they've never really been a problem but they were so excited to sleep in their Big Bed! Although they weren't happy about me shoving a camera in their faces! Ah, the joys of having a mother who wants to document everything!

I love you, my sweet baby boys, sleep well!
Note: pay no attention to the coral colored shirt on my son Cameron, he wanted to wear his big sister's shirt to bed! Thank Goodness you can't see the pink and brown, striped and polka-dotted trouser socks he has on under that blanket!


Sheila @ Dr said...

Oh that's so sweet. My boy just learned how to get out if his pack -n- play and I groaned! It's actually been going pretty well with him and his big boy bed. All three share a room so there is plenty of peer pressure!

And he loves lip gloss and painting his fingernails- just wants to do everything his sisters do!

Anonymous said...

The bandits are just oh so cute. You are an amazing woman and you can show this to Kojac. Did I spell that right?

Anonymous said...

didn't mean for that to be anonymous, just hit the wrong button! Whats new, thats my life. Hugs Nancy