Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Beauties!

After a long winter of leaf~less trees and dull brown grass, I get excessively excited about blooming flowers. Especially, the ones in my yard! I love flowers so whole~heartedly and it makes me feel warm inside to see the blossoms coming from the ground that I placed there myself. I even braved my broken camera to try to snag a decent picture.

The lovely orange beauties pictured above are a type of tulip (don't ask me what kind, 'cause they were not what was on the package and if you tell please).
The sweet and sassy cuties below come up year after year and it doesn't take long before they are dripping over the sides of the tree box. I have no idea what they are but they sure are pretty!

Stay tuned for more colorful posts. I noticed today that my most beautiful bulbs are coming up! As much as I love all my other flowers they are ordinary in comparison to my Rembrandt tulips! They are simply Stunning!