Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Good news....

Yes, I'm going to brag for a minute......mainly because I am proud of myself! I found out that my grade average for the semester so far in Anatomy & Physiology is 84.6! That's a B! So I think I'm doing pretty good considering this is the hardest class I've ever taken. I've heard that this class with the instructor I have is even harder than Microbiology! She is a good one! Anyway that's my bragging for the moment!
I'm taking Haley to her first dentist appointment on Thursday so I will let you all know how that goes!
Further news, I think that James & Cameron are trying to play some kind of cruel game on their dear old mother. For the last few days they have taken turns getting up at like 4am. This is very unusual for my boys because they have always been good sleepers. I put them to bed around 9 and they usually sleep until 7 or 8. So, we've been playing this game where they get up and I chase them back to bed a hundred times from about 4am to around 7:30 when Daddy gets home. I'm just wondering is this a phase they are going through or is this the start of years of trickery to drive Mommy crazy? I guess we'll know soon enough!