Thursday, April 17, 2008

Not so Cute and Cuddly......

In this part of the country we have many different kinds of animals and critters, some big and dangerous while others are small and fuzzy. It's nice to see the deer that sometimes wander into our backyards and all the birds that flit in and out of trees and bushes. But lately I'm quite agitated with one of our more fuzzy friends...the rabbit.

Remember, those pretty orange tulips I posted a picture of a few weeks back? Well, they are no longer there. There used to be about 30 of those blooms outside but now they have been eaten down to nubs. They have also demolished some of my Rembrandts....needless to say me and the rabbits aren't on very good terms right now. I mean honestly, why can't they chew on the grasses I haven't had a chance to get with the weedeater? Yes, I know that the bulbs will come back next year (and will have a small fence around them, mind you) but I barely had time to enjoy them.

I really wanted you all to see the Rembrandts so I pulled a few out from last year. I was going to take a picture of the destruction but I figured they would too disturbing for all the flower lovers out there.

Anyway, here they are in all there glory....last year!

Okay so this is the only picture I could get uploaded......not very focused but at least you can see what I'm talking about! I think Rembrandt would be proud of these babies!