Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mud Magnets!!!

The days are growing so much warmer here and it's been fun taking the kids out to blow bubbles and frolic around the compound! Although, I'm seriously beginning to think there is some kind of conspiracy going on out here! One involving DIRT, two 2year olds and a bottomless laundry basket! Coincidence? I think NOT!

I know what you're thinking....all kids get dirty! Well, unless you were blessed with children that are neat freaks or if you live in a concrete jungle! But honestly, I think my babies are really just innocent by-standers and the dirt just jumps out and grabs them. Let me explain before somebody grabs the phone and calls in an IVC to the local looney bin!

It starts out pretty innocent with a nice sunny day and the shoes! James and Cameron bring me their shoes and start pointing "soutside mommy"! I usually take too long gathering necessities so they stand at the door and yell " Go, Go, Go". When we get outside we set up shop at the picnic table and start blowing bubbles. This is much fun for all involved. The boys love to chase them down and me....well I just like to blow bubbles, what can I say? Then it happens, James falls victim to the Puddle Grab...........

See look it even took his shoe.....well, that leads to this........

Sneaking up on it, throwing rocks in it and.........

....RUN away!!!! And of course, Cameron had to investigate but he got too close so the Puddle took hold........

Just look at that innocent face........that's James back there prodding the Puddle to "Set him Free" or "Gimme my shoe", one or the other......

And he makes it out, finally, but then something VERY odd happens..........

Cameron starts acting like this..........

And this......... then they both go at's a terrible thing that Puddle has done to my sweet boys.

What's a mother to do? Really? Can anyone tell me?

Oh and by the way.....the Moral of this story is......Boys will be Boys and I'm still enjoying my new washer/dryer pair!

(Note: No Puddles were harmed in the making of this blog, as of yet no retribution has been taken against them and all shoes are present and accounted for.)