Monday, October 8, 2007


Well, Saturday was OctoberFest on Main Steet in Rutherfordton! There were so many things to do and see! Face & Hair painting, pumpkin painting @ Kid Senses Museum, and sooo much food! They held the Fun Run that morning and that was fun to watch....b/c you know I don't run unless I'm being chased! They also kicked off the Tour de Pumpkin bike race which is 60 miles long.....good luck to those folks....I know it's pretty scenery around here but it would take me until Christmas to get back home! Of course, Mom and I were there doing pottery demonstrations and we definately drew a crowd! So many people wanted to see our "spinning pots" that we were pretty busy all day! The kids were really our best audience......they loved it and made sure we knew just how "cool" it was! It got a little hot between clouds and it rained a bit in the afternoon but all and all we had a really good day! And to make our weekend even better we had family in town....DJ, Jolene & Cutie Pie Jackson were here visiting and as always we enjoyed their company! See pictures in our Picasa Web Album!


Anonymous said...

we also had a wonderful time... sold some pottery and saw lots of people we had not seen in years... looking forward to next show....